Remote Community Playground & Shade



West Arnhem Regional Council





Time Line

7 days

This project for West Arnhem Regional council consisted of the supply and installation of a shade structure and playground – catering for children from ages 5 to 13 years.



LOGISTICS  – With very little supplies or subcontractors on Goulburn Island we had to freight a substantial amountof equipment and material to the island. In total, webarged our own temporary fencing, 55 bulka bags, 3 pallets, a cement mixer plus our own vehicle and machine. Yagbani Corporation offered the accommodation on the island. The ammenties we in excellent condition and well received by our staff.

Upon our arrival we were welcomed by Steve (from Yagbani) and taken for a tour of the island. We were shown areas that we were not allowed access to as there are numerous traditional areas that are sacred and for ceremony that are strictly out of bounds for visitors. We were given a map which indicated where we were/were not permitted. We were then introduced to Boonok, one of the traditional elders, and he gave us his blessing to explore the island in any down time we had as well as take a fishing rod and enjoy what Warruwi had tooffer – so long as we delivered the first fish to him! 

CONSTRUCTION  – Upon our arrival we confirmed the exact location of the playground with the local council representative and errected the temporary fence. Set out and excavations were next and the earthworks went very smoothly. We expected to encounter some hard digging so it was welcomed when all our footings were completed early.

The playground was constructed on time and the shade structure went up as expected. We were able to use some of West Arnhem Regional Council’s equipment and machinery to help lift the cover on the posts. This was a great help and sped up the process. A shout out to Steve, Albert, Alfred and Arthur who helped on this project. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed working on Goulburn Island. We donated four AFL footballs to the local school which were received with thanks. Despite the challenges with providing goods and services to a remotely located site, the project was completed and delivered on time and budget. Site safety and WHS were applied on site and the project was completed without any incidents.